About me | Mollycat Studio

Hello, I'm Jules and I am the sole proprietor of my small business, personally overseeing every aspect of its operation. 

In 2015 I launched my business journey on Etsy where to this day, I have accumulated over 43.000 sales and obtained over 6000 5 Star reviews.

I offer a selection of high-quality personalised greetings cards, finished with colourful crochet hearts. These mini crochet hearts are all handmade by me (they haven't invented a crochet machine yet) and I use cotton yarn which also makes them vegan friendly! 

I take pride in using only the finest quality materials for my creations and in a typical week, I post out every week day (up to date shipping information can be found on my homepage).

I have a painstaking attention to detail, quality and construction because I see my cards, not just as greetings cards, but as special keepsakes. My cards are perfect for framing (While I don't supply frames, you can easily find 5x7 inch frames at most supermarkets to complement your purchase).

If you have any questions or want to know more about any of my products, get in touch.


Jules from Mollycat Studio